Maricela Ramirez joins the St. Theresa School Board for a 2nd term in 2023. She served a first term from 2017 to 2021. Maricela and her husband, Daniel, have been parents of St. Theresa Catholic School for 9 years. They have 2 sons: Daniel in 7th grade and Santiago in 4th grade. Daniel and Santiago have been students of St. Theresa Catholic School since preK3.
Maricela has served in the Academic Excellence Committee and as homeroom parent. Maricela earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Texas Pan American and a Master of Science in Physiology form the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.
Professionally, Maricela began her career as a Biomedical Researcher in the pharmaceutical industry and in academic institutes. She currently holds a leadership role in Research Administration in an academic institute.